Pussy hounds, rejoice?


Pussy hounds, rejoice! Your behavior may be built into existence almost from the outset. Here is an intriguing New Scientist video clip from a couple of years ago (“‘Intelligent’ oil droplet navigates chemical maze”). Could it be that this pass at sentience even in drops of oil may help to legitimize dick-directed behavior in higher organisms?






And here’s ‘Crystals, Information and the Origin of Life,’ a recent article from Technology Review that refers to this phenomenon in a very interesting context.


I guess it’s okay to refer to pussy hounds, in this day and age. Especially given the very public, entirely ballsy shenanigans of Pussy Riot, whom I greatly admire (for all of the correct reasons). Best of luck to those of them currently in the clutches of the Russian authorities. Here’s a good story by Carole Cadwalladr from the Guardian/Observer, and links to video of their offending performance.

We will say nothing of the ambiguity in this poster.


2 thoughts on “Pussy hounds, rejoice?”

  1. I am informed that pussy hounds prefer to be called tomcats. Hounds customarily chase pussies, and will tear them to pieces if they catch them. Tomcats, on the other hand, prefer to make love, not war, and are entirely benign. I too applaud the group Pussy Riot, and trust that they will pose an effective counterweight to Vladimir Putin’s poisonous regime.

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